I found this video funny & cool at the same time – of Ghetto Boys Dancing away to the song “Sitya loss” in some suburb. That as of today 7,774,764 viewers have watched, since it was published on Jan 31, 2014 proves
Some pictures from around Kampala 2012
Centenary Park – A nice place to have a break and a beer after walking a long distance. Just in case you are “somehow” reminded of a “Shoebilled stork” ;), there are still some few of that solitary bird in
AfriLeaks to help expose power abuse

A new online platform AfriLeaks.org has been launched with the aim to help expose power abuse and corruption in Africa, by linking whistle-blowers to journalists. Basically, Afrileaks provides a secure environment to anonymously submit documents on their website. These documents
Vita’s Spinach and Chicken in Groundnut Sauce

This shows you how to make a delicious sauce out of meat or chicken, with spinach in groundnut (peanut) sauce.
Togé Rafalakhi Recipe

This recipe from Guinea is quite easy to prepare as I think the ingredients are universally easy to find. It is also nothing special, but could probably bring some small change to your dining table today ….
Yoka Rafalakhi recipe

Yoka Rafalakhi recipe, a savory and very hot dish from Guinea in West Africa.
Best Free Software 18: Downloading Videos from Youtube and other Sites – Part 2
As said in the previous article => Best Free Software 17: Downloading Videos from Youtube and other Sites – Part 1 there are many ways one can freely download videos from many different sites like Youtube, Google Video or Facebook.