Beans in groundnut/peanut sauce

Beans in groundnut/peanut sauce

Beans can be prepared in many different ways. In this recipe, I show how you can make beans in groundnut (peanut) sauce. It is a simple vegetarian recipe and the sauce can go with ugali (posho), rice, matooke, … Peanuts are known across many parts of Africa as “ground nuts”.

Kuku Salad Recipe

Kuku Salad

Kuku Salad is a very delicious salad you can make, using left over cooked chicken or freshly fried chicken breast. “Kuku” is the Swahili word for chicken.

A Simple Corn Salad Recipe

A Simple Corn Salad Recipe

No idea why it’s called corn salad, but that is its name. According to Wikipedia “It is also called Lewiston cornsalad, lamb’s lettuce, fetticus, field salad, mâche, feldsalat, nut lettuce and rapunzel”. Anyway, here is a simple salad you might want to make, the next time you get your hands it.

Romaine Lettuce Salad Recipe

Romaine Lettuce Salad Recipe

Here is how to make a quick & nice salad dressing and then use it to make Romaine Lettuce Salad, all within a few minutes.