Combing an Afro
Combing an Afro
Combing an Afro

Those with naturally Afro textured or kinky hair may feel overwhelmed by it. But handling an Afro is not difficult if you use a little patience and work with it. Here’s how.



  1. Choose whether dry or wet works best for you. This technique can be used on dry hair, but many people find that it may be best to work with your hair while it’s wet or damp. If you do this with dry hair, make sure it’s moisturized and/or oiled first and be gentle with it.
  2. Wet your hair by either washing it or spraying it with water from a spray bottle.
  3. Section your hair into multiple parts. The size of the parts depends on how much time you have and the length and thickness of your hair.
  4. Apply a generous amount of a water based conditioner or moisturizing product to the sections and then an oil, preferably a natural oil such as coconut, olive, Shea butter, jojoba, etc. Use a generous amount.
  5. Using a very wide toothed comb or pick, gently comb through the first section gently. Start combing at the ends and comb closer to the roots each time.
  6. Use a finer toothed comb in the same manner as the wide toothed comb.
  7. When you have completed each section, twist it or braid it. This will prevent the hair from “shrinking” and matting while preserving some length.
  8. When you are done with all of your hair, or after it is dry, take out the braids/twists and fluff it.


  • The main enemy of Afro hair is dryness. There are several ways to combat this. Instead of sleeping on a cotton pillowcase which can absorb moisture from your hair, either tie up your hair with a silk or satin wrap or cap at night or sleep on a silk or satin pillow case.
  • You can also deep condition your hair periodically or do hot oil treatments.
  • To keep the shape your Afro overnight, it’s best to tie it back or braid or twist it.

Things You’ll Need

  • Wide toothed comb
  • Smaller toothed comb
  • Moisturizing product
  • An oil (optional)
  • Silk or satin wrap/cap (optional)
  • Silk or satin pillow case (optional)

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Original article: How to Comb an Afro

How to Comb an Afro
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