21 Sachem Street

Internet living Swahili dictionaries, both within Swahili and between Swahili and English as well as Swahili and Russian; print-based dictionaries and multi-media computer applications.

The Kamusi Project is a participatory international effort dedicated to improving knowledge of the world’s languages. Our long term mission is to produce dictionaries and other language resources for every language, and to make those resources available for free to everyone.

AccentingAfrica.com is an Africa only Connecticut, USA-based tour and travel agency offering both...
Woodbury, CT 06798, US 0 km
The Denan Project is a nonprofit, grassroots organization whose volunteer members secure the nece...
146 Sound Beach Ave, Old Greenwich, Connecticut 06870, USA 62.53 km
African Honeymoon Safari for your friends & family Botswana, Tanzania, Kenya, Namibia Safari,...
Providing initiatives of faith, hope, and love to the suffering of Malawi. Focus on medical missi...
428 Browns Rd Storrs Mansfield 78.28 km
Echo Uganda provides musical performances and educational workshops about the culture and music o...
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